Frequently Asked Questions
All Tanita Body Composition Monitors & Scales have different features and functions and will have their own individual differences in the set-up methods.
A User Manual is included with the product; however, you can also download a digital version. Visit our helpful User Manuals page to download the manual you need.
Frequently Asked Questions
How accurate are Tanita Body Composition Monitors?
The results obtained through Tanita BIA have been shown to be within +/-5% of Underwater Weighing and Pencil Beam DEXA (the "gold" standards of body composition analysis).
You can read more about the accuracy of Tanita Body Composition Monitors, here.
Can a Tanita Body Composition Monitor use imperial measurement?
Not all Tanita Body Composition Monitors or Scales have this feature. To check if your Body Composition Monitor or Scale has this feature, please refer to your User Manual.
Can I step on a Tanita with my socks on?
No, you shouldn’t use a Tanita Body Composition Monitor or Scale with socks on. When the scale reads ZERO, step on with bare feet. This is necessary to get a true and accurate reading of your total body health.
Can I use a Tanita Body Composition Monitor or Scale if I am pregnant?
There is no health risk associated with using a Tanita Body Composition Monitor or Scale during pregnancy.
However, when you are pregnant, the hormones in your body change to provide optimum conditions for growing the baby. Fat is stored around the stomach and hip areas to provide warmth and protection for the foetus and is not as evenly distributed around the body as it would be at other times.
As a result, this impacts the readings given by the Body Composition Monitor. However, you could still use the monitor to track relative changes in your body over time.
Why is there different readings for males compared with females?
Genetically, men’s bodies differ from women’s bodies and hold muscle tissue & fat mass in different ways.
A man who is the same height and weight as a woman will generally have more muscle mass and less fat mass than a woman does.
The calculations that the Body Composition Monitor performs to get accurate readings are adjusted to take account of this.
When is the best time to use my body composition monitor?
The suggestion that most people would give when asked the best time to stand on a scale would be as soon as you wake up in the morning. However, doing this will not show you a true & accurate representation of your overall total body health, especially on a Tanita Body Composition Monitor.
Tanita Body Composition Monitors use BIA technology to generate measurements. In the monitor, the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology sends a very low and safe electrical signal through the water content present in the body. The results gathered from this signal then help to generate the measurements the monitor displays.
As the monitor uses the water content in the body to obtain data for the reading, good hydration & healthy body water levels is key to getting the most accurate measurements from the reading. This means the best time to measure your body using a Body Composition Monitor would be the time of day when your body is consistently and naturally the most hydrated.
However, our body water levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and night. Any significant changes in body water levels may affect your body composition readings; for example, the body tends to be dehydrated after a night’s sleep so if you take a reading first thing in the morning (like people would normally suggest), your weight may be lower and your body fat percentage would likely read higher than what is actually true. Eating large meals, drinking alcohol, menstruation, illness, exercising, and bathing may also cause variations in your hydration levels.
To get the most reliable and accurate reading that best represents your actual total body health, use your Body Composition Monitor at a consistent time of day under consistent conditions, and at least three hours after rising, exercising, eating, drinking alcohol and taking medication.
For many, this time is usually mid-to-late afternoon, before dinner and before your afternoon/evening workout.
Why is there an "Athlete Mode" and should I be using it?
The Athlete mode was developed to provide a more accurate reading for athletic body types.
Athletic body types are physiologically different than standard adult body types, due to muscle mass and hydration level differences.
Athletes tend to have greater muscle mass and tend to be more dehydrated. These differences would skew the body fat reading high, when taken with the standard Adult mode.
As a general guideline, we suggest Adults over the age 18 or over should select the Athlete Mode option when setting up their profiles on a Tanita if they:
- Train or exercise for 10-12 hours or more a week and have been doing so for at least 6 months.
- Are body builders, weightlifters, power lifters or strongmen/strongwomen.
- Are professional athletes who want to monitor their progress at home.
- Belong to a sport team or a sport organisation with the aim of participation in competition, etc.
- Have a lifetime history of fitness and who used to do more than 12 hours a week of training or exercise but do less now.
How does my age affect my body fat percentage?
Research has determined that as we age there is a tendency to increase body fat and decrease muscle mass. This is a natural progression unless you change your lifestyle and increase exercise as you age.
What are the Body Fat ranges for children?
Appropriate body fat ranges for children under eighteen can be found on this chart located here.
How do I delete all the user settings?
You can overwrite the settings but you cannot delete them. Please refer to your User Manual for instructions on how to correctly overwrite old user memories. If you would like to download a digital version, please visit the User Manual page on our website.
How does the Guest function work on a Tanita Body Composition Monitor?
The guest function is for a one-off use, so that the memory keys do not have to be changed for a guest user.
To use the GUEST function, start with a blank screen, then press the guest button. Use the arrow keys to select the appropriate data and confirm each setting by pressing the “SET” button.
When this is completed the monitor will scroll through the settings to confirm, and then go to ZERO. Step on as follows to get the readings. Once the readings have cleared from the screen the settings will also be cleared – to re-use the scale it will need to be set up again.
For more specific instructions for your unit, please refer to the User Manual provided with your unit.
Can geographic location affect the accuracy of the results on the scales?
Different locations across the world have varying gravitational pulls. This in turn affects the accuracy of the weight reading in the scales. Selecting the correct gravity setting on your scale according to your geographical location, you are guaranteed the most accurate weight readings.
Australia by location setting codes: Use code A5 for Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Use code A6 for Brisbane, Perth
How do I access my personal memory on my Tanita Body Composition Monitor?
Your scale may have personal memory buttons; in which case, press the memory number you want to use. Or, if it does not have personal memory buttons, press the “Memory” button and then press the arrow keys to select the number of the memory you want to store your results. Press the "SET" button to confirm.
After this the LCD will show the current settings. Wait for the LCD to go to 0000 before stepping on to obtain your body composition measurements.
Please refer to your User Manual for more specific information regarding your Tanita Body Composition Monitor. Download User Manuals from the User Manuals page on our website.
Which batteries should I use in my Tanita Body Composition Monitor?
Most brands of batteries will work fine in Tanita Body Composition Monitors and Scales.
As a precautionary measure, please do not use rechargeable batteries. Please don’t use old batteries together with new batteries, or mix of different brand batteries.
Update: Tanita Australia have noticed a trend in Duracell batteries not performing as well as other brands of batteries. Comments from Users have found that Duracell batteries are a slightly different shape from other brands and can sometimes not make good contact with the Monitor or Scale.
How long do the batteries last in a Tanita Body Composition Monitor?
If the Tanita Body Composition Monitor is used 5 times a day (some Monitors have 4-5 user memories and a guest mode, so in bigger households this could occur), then the batteries should be sufficient to last for a year, on the condition that it is used and stored correctly.
Why do I get different readings on one scale to another?
There are many factors that could explain why readings can differ from one Tanita scale to another.
In some instances, it comes down to how the scale has been cared for, used, placed, and stored. In the User Manual, it will outline the best precautions and measures you can take to get the most out of your scale.
In other instances, there are differences in the models and their algorithms, and that’s why it’s showing slightly different results. For example, some Tanita Body Composition Monitors have a higher metabolic age range than others. Some a small range of Tanita Body Composition Monitors collect segmental measurements whereas more affordable models do not.
It is not recommended to compare readings from one monitor to another for these reasons.
I’ve lost my instruction manual. How do I get a new one?
You can visit the User Manuals page on our website, here. If it is not listed here, please contact us.
Can I get my scales calibrated?
Tanita Australia models are self-calibrating upon being turned on, so therefore no need for calibration.
However, should you experience any issues Tanita Australia offer a 5 Year Replacement Warranty.
If you’d like to learn more, please contact our Tanita Australia Customer Care Team on 1800 656 444 or email us at info@tanitaaustralia.com
I am having issues with my Tanita Body Composition Monitor, what do I do?
If you’re experiencing any issues with your Tanita Body Composition Monitor or any other Tanita product, please contact one of our Tanita Australia team members at 1800 656 444 or email info@tanitaaustralia.com.
How do the algorithms in a Tanita Body Composition Monitor work?
Details of your height, gender, body type and age are programmed into the memories (or guest function) before use.
This information, together with an accurate weight reading and your resistance measurement, is processed in a computer chip that uses Tanita’s exclusive equations to calculate your body fat percentage and body composition.
Some monitors include a special equation that has been developed for “athletes” who do more than 12 hours a week of intense exercise, and who have developed denser, heavier muscles tissue.
The equations in Tanita’s Body Composition Monitors were developed by Tanita’s worldwide medical advisory board. The same equations are found in Tanita’s Professional Body Composition Analysers used by doctors and fitness professionals in hospitals, medical centres and gyms around the world.
How do I obtain my body composition readings?
For most Tanita Body Composition Monitors, to obtain full body composition readings (depending on the features of the scale), step off the scale once the measurement has been taken, then press the other buttons on the unit, in any order, to obtain the readings. Each button will return to body fat and weight results if pressed again. The screen will normally stay live for one minute from the time the last button was pressed. Please refer to your User Manual for more specific guidance. You can download Tanita User Manuals, here.
Will the electric current used by a Tanita Body Composition Monitor harm me?
The current is perfectly safe. You will not feel it at all.
However, if you have an implanted medical device such as a Pacemaker or an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD), you should not use a Tanita Body Composition Monitor or any Scale that uses BIA technology to obtain readings.
Please Note: Tanita Digital Bathroom Scales (such as the HD-325 & the HD-380) do not use BIA technology, and therefore are safe to use if you have an implanted medical device.
Are there people for whom the monitor is not appropriate?
People with implanted medical devices such Pacemakers or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) are advised to not use the monitors. Tanita Body Fat & Hydration Monitors and Tanita Body Composition Monitors (and other monitors that use Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis technology AKA BIA) pass a weak electrical current through the body which could interfere with and cause the malfunction of electrical medical implants resulting in serious harm to the user.
Tanita Digital Bathroom Scales (such as the HD-325 & the HD-380) do not use BIA technology, and therefore are safe to use if you have an implanted medical device.
Tanita Body Fat & Hydration Monitors and Tanita Body Composition Monitors have a weight only mode included in the monitor. This mode does not use BIA technology to conduct a reading, therefore is also safe to use if you have an implanted medical device or if you only want to track weight. Please refer to your user manual on how to trigger weight-only mode for your Tanita.
People with non-electronic medical implants may safely use any Tanita monitor or scale, however, any metallic implants in your body could affect some readings the monitor will make, such as the body fat percentage reading/s.
However, you can still use the monitor to successfully track the relative changes in your body over time. This is because the metal will continue to have the same effect on the reading any time you take a measurement.
The monitor may not be suitable for:
- People with pacemakers or ICD
- People who exceed the weight capacity of the scale
- People who exceed 75% body fat
Why are Hydration Levels so important when using a Tanita Body Composition Monitor?
The Tanita Body Composition Monitor uses Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology, which relies on the body's electrical conductivity, which in turn is affected by the body's water & hydration levels.
Normally, fat tissue is dehydrated and therefore resists an electrical signal, whilst muscle tissue is relatively hydrated, and therefore conducts an electrical signal, which is how your measurements are calculated. A severely dehydrated person may read a higher body fat percentage than what is true because your muscle mass is dehydrated and resisting the electrical signal.
Temperature, how much exercise you have done that day, when you last had a drink of water, certain medical conditions, menstruation cycles, some medications, alcohol consumption, and caffeine are just some of the factors can also affect the hydration level of a person's muscle tissue, which can then affect the body fat percentage reading/s.
Therefore, Tanita suggests measuring at the time of day when your body is most likely to be the most hydrated, which for most is at least three hours after rising, exercising, eating, drinking alcohol and taking medication.
I’m using my Body Composition Monitor multiple times per day, why do I get different measurements every time?
It is not recommended to step on and off a Tanita Body Composition Monitor consecutively. We also do not recommend you use the monitor daily or multiple times per day.
To track and monitor your overall health, it is recommended that you do you use and step on the monitor once a month on the same day and at the same time of the day.
However, if your goal is weight loss or fat loss, and you want to measure more frequently to be able to adapt your diet & training and make changes when needed, limit yourself to using the monitor once per week at most on the same day and at the same time of day.
Why is it important to monitor body composition rather than just body weight?
Your total body health is more important than just one number. Measuring weight alone is not a complete nor accurate assessment of health or fitness level.
The total body weight measurement does not distinguish the difference between kilograms that come from fat, the kilograms that come from lean muscle mass, the weight of bone mass or the impact different body water levels have on your total body weight.
Monitoring body composition allows you to gain a deeper insight into your overall body health, giving you the knowledge that you can then use to make educated changes to your diet and fitness routines to achieve your health and fitness goals sooner.
For example, you’ve decided you want to lose weight and change your diet, and that you’re going to track your body changes through monitoring weight only. If you were to step on the scale, and see a smaller number, you may believe that you are on the right track. However, if you were monitoring overall body health on a Tanita Body Composition Monitor, the Monitor would tell you that you are dehydrated and have actually decreased your muscle mass. With this information, you would know that you’re not on the right track, and that you need to change your fitness routine and to drink more water.
Why do some monitors only go up to 50 for metabolic age and some go up to 99?
Older Tanita Models (such as the BC541 or the BC587) only have a metabolic age range between age 12-50. When using these older models, users who receive a metabolic age reading of 50 may have a slower metabolism and therefore may have a metabolic age of over 50, but as 50 is the max score it will score them a metabolic age of 50.
The newer Tanita Models have a metabolic age range between 12-99 (such as the RD Models). By calculating the Basal Metabolic Age with a wider range equation, it allows users to have a more accurate metabolic age.
If you are 50 years of age or older, you may see a difference in Basal Metabolic Age if you have used an older model, compared to one of the newer ones. The difference in Basal Metabolic Age is due to the scales having varying ranges of age allowance.
Some of my measurements are not showing up on the monitor, what is wrong?
If your Tanita Body Composition Monitor or Scale is not showing body fat percentage reading or other readings, this is because it is unable to complete an electrical circuit.
Possible causes could be:
- There is something between your feet and the electrodes(e.g. shoes, socks or stockings)
- There are thick callouses on feet
- Your feet are not in the correct position on the scale and they’re not correctly touching the electrodes
- The electrical signal is short-circuiting (e.g. damp thighs touching together or knees are bent)
- The electrodes have become detached from the unit
- There is an electrical fault inside the unit.
Please refer to the scale’s User Manual for correct troubleshooting information. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact customer care on 1800 656 444 or by sending an email to the team at info@tanitaaustralia.com
What models measure intra and extra cellular fluid?
Intra and extra cellular fluid readings are a feature of RD-953 Bluetooth Composition Monitor and RD-545 Bluetooth Segmental Body Composition Monitor.
Why is there a Weight-Only feature on Tanita Body Composition Monitors? How does it work?
All Tanita Body Composition Monitors offer this feature. Look for the weight only icon on the unit to check if this feature is available. Alternatively, you can refer to your User Manual to check if this feature is available on your unit.
If you press the weight only button, it will allow you to measure weight, but will not take body composition readings. Like the guest mode feature, the results won’t save.
The addition of the weight only setting was designed to be used to weigh things other than adults aged 18 or older, such as babies, pets or luggage. One would stand on the scale carrying the thing they want to weigh after pressing the weight only button, record the result, and then step on the scale a second time without the thing they want to weigh. They would then subtract the smaller, second result from the larger, first result to learn what the thing weighs on its own.
What is the difference between DCI and BMR?
Daily Calorie Intake (DCI) is the sum of calories for basal metabolism, daily activity metabolism (activities including daily household chores) and diet induced thermogenesis (energy used in connection with digestion, absorption, metabolism and other eating activities). It is an estimate of how many calories you can consume within the next 24 hours and maintain your current weight.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum number of calories your body needs at rest to fuel its metabolic activity. In other words, this is the minimum level of energy your body needs when at rest to function effectively, including your respiratory and circulatory organs, neural system, liver, kidneys and other organs. You also burn calories when sleeping.
How do I set up my Tanita Body Composition Monitor?
The initial set up process will differ from Monitor to Monitor. Please refer to your User Manual for more specific information regarding your unit. You can download instructions manuals on the User Manuals page on our website.
Most Tanita Body Composition Monitors will require you to complete preparations before setting up the unit, this will include inserting the batteries, selecting the preferred weighing unit (kilograms or pounds), setting your location code (Use code A5 for Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, or set code A6 for Brisbane, Perth) and then setting the Date and Time. Most Monitors will turn themselves off after completing these steps.
Some of the Bluetooth Monitors will allow users to set up the Monitor via Smartphone App. However you can also complete the set up from the Monitor itself. The instructions on how to do both types of Initial Set Up will be in your User Manual.
Please Note: The Tanita Body Composition Monitor will require you to set up a user profile in order to complete the Initial Set Up the unit. Even if you do not intend to save user memories on the unit, you must complete this step. The Body Composition Monitor will always require at least one user memory to be always saved on the device at all times in order to function and for you to access the other features.
A Tanita Body Composition Monitor will require you to answer many different questions to help the Monitor to determine the right equations and calculations it needs to use when reading your body composition. It’s vital you answer these questions honestly and as accurately as possible, so that the readings the scale produces for you are the most accurate as possible.
The types of questions the Initial Set Up may ask include:-
- ID/User Memory Number
- Date Of Birth
- Male or Female
- Athlete or Normal Mode
- Height
- Heart Rate Feature Activation (*Not all units will ask this)
Once you’ve completed this section, you will likely be required to make your first body composition reading. Set onto the Monitor barefoot when instructed. The Monitor automatically turns off after registered personal data and measurementresults have been displayed. Only a certain amount of measurements can be stored in the device per ID/User Memory number. Each new data entered after this amount causes the oldest data to be deleted.
What is the warranty on a Tanita Body Composition Monitor?
All products that you have purchased in Australia from our online shop or with any authorised retailer has a 5 Year Replacement Warranty.
Important note: Please make sure you register your product on our website, or send by post your warranty card included with your product packaging. A photocopy or scan of proof of purchase will be essential to validate your product registration if any replacement on warranty is needed.
Please visit the Warranty & Returns Page on our website to learn more.
When I stand on my Tanita Body Composition Monitor to do a reading, I can receive my weight and body fat percentage measurements, but I can’t see my other measurements. Why is this happening?
Once you have obtained your weight and body fat percentage readings and they’ve appeared on the screen, step off of the scale.
Only after stepping off the scale can you press any of the other buttons to see your measurements gathered from your reading.
You must step off the scale completely before pressing the other buttons to view your measurements.
If your Tanita Body Composition Monitor has bluetooth capabilities, you can start a reading through the mobile app and the app will indicate when you should step on and off the scale.
Please refer to your User Manual for more specific information regarding your Tanita Body Composition Monitor. Download User Manuals from the User Manuals page on our website.
My readings are very different to the DEXA scan I had done, are these monitors inaccurate?
Studies have indicated Tanita monitors are within 5% of the Pencil Beam DEXA scan for accuracy. Please ensure you are comparing your results with a Pencil Beam DEXA scan and not Fan Beam as this will result in a larger variation than the stated 5%.
Note: Please also ensure you’re meeting all of the following criteria to ensure you receive accurate results:
- Make sure the scale is used, placed and stored on flat and hard surface, where there is minimal humidity, moisture or vibration. Avoid floating floorboards, carpet, thin carpet over concrete and rubber mats.
- Make sure the scale is used, placed and stored away from water, moisture & humidity, slippery and uneven floors, locations exposed to direct sunlight or heat, locations where the device could experience extreme temperature changes, or locations where the device could be exposed to air directly from air conditioning units.
- Your body must be properly hydrated to get accurate results from your reading. Refer to Healthy Range Chart on our website for hydration levels according to your body type.
- You must use the scale with bare feet. Do not wear socks, shoes or stockings.
- You must have your heels correctly aligned with the electrodes of the unit, given the unit has visible electrodes. Toes can hang over the edge of the platform without impacting the measurements recorded in the reading.
- It is not recommended to step on and off the scale consecutively, as the units are not designed for heavy & consistent usage.
- Monitors won't read accurate results if user has a metallic, electrical or non-electrical implant/s such as knees or hips replacements, ICD, heart pacemaker, or if the user is pregnant.
- Patterns indicated to avoid Duracell Batteries, we have found based on customer feedback that these batteries don't have good contact to operate a fully charged device.
If you’re still having trouble, please contact one of our Tanita Australia team members on 1800 656 444 or email us at info@tanitaaustralia.com
How does Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis work?
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is considered one of the most reliable and accessible methods of screening body fat. Tanita patented a revolutionary way of measuring BIA that is faster, easier and less intrusive than traditional means – being the first company to introduce the world to the body fat monitor scale in 1994. Electrodes in the foot sensor pads (and hand sensor pads if you own a segmental monitor) send a low, safe electrical signal through the body and weight is calculated automatically along with up to 25 other readings in seconds.
BIA measures an individual’s impedance or resistance to the electrical signal as it travels through the water that is found in muscle and fat. The more muscle a person has, the more water their body can hold and the greater the amount of water in a person’s body, the easier it is for the electrical signal to pass through it. The more fat an individual has, the more resistance they have to the electrical signal.
In conventional BIA, a person is weighed, and their height, age, gender, and weight, or other physical characteristics such as body type, physical activity level, are entered in a computer. While the person is lying down, electrodes are attached to various parts of the body and a small electric signal is applied.
With a Tanita Body Composition Monitor, you add that information into the monitor when setting up your own user memory profile, which then inputs your characteristics & calculations into the correct algorithms for you to produce the measurements provided by your reading.
BIA is safe, and a large majority of the population cannot feel the electrical signal at all, however weight-only mode should be used for those with pacemakers, ICDs and other implanted medical devices.
Most Tanita Body Composition Monitors make it possible to determine a person’s:
- Weight
- Body Water Percentage
- Muscle Mass
- Physique Rating
- Basal Metabolic Rate
- Metabolic Age
- Visceral Fat
- Bone Mass
- Muscle Quality
What is the difference between the three levels of activity?
When using certain Tanita Body Composition Monitors (such as the BC-582), you may be asked to select an activity level.
To ensure you select the appropriate level, please use the guide below:
Level 1: Inactive lifestyle (little or no exercise).
Level 2: Moderately active lifestyle (occasional, low intensity exercise).
Level 3: Adult involved in intense physical activity (athlete).
Can children use Tanita Body Composition Monitors?
Tanita Body Composition Monitors will only provide weight, body fat percentage and BMI for children. The reason that Tanita cannot provide all measurements for children is due to children growing and developing at a different rate so it would be too complicated for the algorithms to be created and the data wouldn’t be able to support the readings.
Being correlated to DEXA results with 0.92~0.96 accuracy, Tanita’s BIA technology relies on the statistical data collected from DEXA to provide this validation.
What is my Tanita location code?
Different locations across the world have varying gravitational pulls. This in turn affects the accuracy of weight readings on scales. By selecting the correct gravity setting on your scale according to your geographical location, you are guaranteed the most accurate weight readings.
Tanita Australia Location Code Table
Country/Region | City | Location Code |
Australia | Adelaide | A5 |
Australia | Canberra | A5 |
Australia | Melbourne | A5 |
Australia | Sydney | A5 |
Australia | Brisbane | A6 |
Australia | Perth | A6 |
New Zealand | Wellington | A4 |
Tanita Australia Location Code Map
If you can't see your country or city listed, please refer to your instruction manual or contact us.
Can I use more than one discount code at checkout?
No, all codes and offers are independent of each other and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount.
Can I pay with PayPal at checkout?
No, Tanita Australia payment options are only credit card or Afterpay at this time. Please visit our retailers to access other payment options.
I can't get my BC-587 to collect my measurements, what am I doing wrong?
To take body composition readings on a BC-587 Body Composition Monitor, make sure your personal key has been set up first.
Press your personal key once, it will beep to display the pre-programmed date and then beep again to display "0.0". When you see "0.0", step on.
Your weight reading will be shown first, continue standing on the platform and DO NOT STEP OFF.
"00000" will appear on the display and disappear one by one from right to left. Whilst still standing on the scale, your Body Fat Percentage and range should appear on the display.
Once you have seen this display, you can step off the scale and press the other feature keys to see your other measurements. T
o bring up your weight and Body Fat Percentage again, press the same feature key again.
If you have any other questions, contact us.
If you have a BC-1000, and need help troubleshooting it, please click here.
Please note: The Tanita BC-1000 is a discontinued product in Australia.
Q: How do I connect to my BC-1000?
Connecting the scale
When using the scale for the first time after an extended period of time in order for the ANT stick to pick up the scales wireless connection you must connect to the scale.
To connect the scale, please follow these steps:
- Ensure the ANT+ is securely plugged into the computer.
- Open Healthy Edge Software.
- Select File.
- Select Healthy Edge options.
- Select BC-1000.
- Select connect.
- When the green light comes up on the scale stand on the scale with bare feet to activate the connection.
- Please ensure you eject the ANT+ stick properly from your computer prior to unplugging it. Failure to do so can cause the ANT+ to malfunction.
Note: If the software requires a serial number, you have selected the wrong BC-1000 while completing this step. Please ensure you have select the BC-1000 and not the BC-1000plus.
Q: How to calculate stride length for my Tanita BC-1000?
The stride length is taken as the distance between the toes on one foot and the toes on the other foot. To accurate find your average stride length, walk for 10 steps and then divide the total distance walked by 10.
Example: if you walked 6.6m in 10 steps = 6.6/10 = 0.66m=66cm
Q: My Tanita BC-1000 has an error message. How can I fix it?
Error Messages - Examples of Errors:
Error in GetUserName | File Not Found | Error in CreateNewDatabase | Unable to create a new Data File
If you are experiencing any of the errors mentioned above, please follow the steps below:
1. Uninstall any components related to the Healthy Edge Software.
a. Go to start (bottom left)
b. Select Control Panel
c. Select Programs
d. Find Healthy Edge Software and uninstall it.
2. Download Microsoft SQL here:
a. Please download both x64 and x86 files.
b. Install the x86 first, and then try to install the x64.
3. Restart your computer.
4.Install the Healthy Edge Software.
5. The software should now be working. Sometimes an error message may still appear (this is inevitable). You will know if the software is properly installed if the software stays open after clearing all the error messages.
Ant+ Driver not installed correctly.
Normally the ANT+ driver should install automatically at the same time as the Healthy Edge Software. If this isn’t the case, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on start (bottom left).
2. Click Add Hardware (or Devices).
3. Follow the prompts to allow your computer to search for the driver.
Q: I have a Tanita BC-1000 with a USB to show the scale results. But my USB does not work anymore, and I am wondering if I can get a replacement?
To purchase a new ANT+ USB Stick Micro, please visit the F E Sports website or click here.
If you’re still experiencing any issues, please contact one of our Tanita Australia team members at 08 9353 7800 or email info@tanitaaustralia.com